Moving/rotating/zooming the view
in the
edit window in 4t/3d/top/side/front views:
Sometimes when you're creating a large object, it'll be bigger than what you can
see inside the window. In this case you're going to have to zoom in/out, move the
view, or in the case of the 3d mode, rotate round the object.
First of all, before you can do any operations on the view, you have to switch
to VIEW mode. To do this, click on the EYE (
) symbol in the
toolbar. If you dont, any actions you make will effect whatever
object you were working on last, instad of the view itself.
Once you've done that, click on the tool you want to use (rotation, sizing or
moving), in the toolbar. Note that Rotation will ONLY work in 3d mode,
you cant rotate the side, top or front views, you can only zoom/move around them.
Next, is the tricky bit. You have to select which planes you want to affect.
Most of the time, when working on the view modes, you can have them ALL
selected (X,Y,Z) and forget about them, but, for example, if you only wanted
to move a specific way, eg: along the X axis, you would make sure that
only the plane you wanted to move along was actually selected, in this case
the X plane. I dont expect you to understand a word I'm talking about here,
the only way you can really suss this bit out is , like most things in
Cinema4d, to actually go about doing it and experiment with it.
So dont worry if that just flew over your head =).
Once you've got all that set up, click somewhere inside the view window,
and drag the mouse.
If you had the size tool selected, you can zoom in/out of the view.
If you had move selected, you can scroll up/down/left/right around the view.
If you had Rotation selected, you can rotate around the object. Note that
this will ONLY work in 3d view mode.